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Past Members

Nanduni Gamage (MSc, 2024)

Nanduni worked in our lab for a few projects (Jan 2023-Oct 2024). He worked on the synthesis of new radical structures, polymers for zinc-ion batteries, and polymer-template for SiO2 nanowires. 

Allan Koger (MSc, 2024)

Allan worked in our lab for his Masters thesis (July 2023-July 2024). He worked on the synthesis of anodic polymer materials. 

Karan Gandhi (MSc, 2024)

Karan worked in our lab for his Masters thesis (July 2023-July 2024). He worked on the synthesis of nitroxide radical polymers by anionic polymerization. 

Shadrach Vairamon (Visiting student from NYP, 2023)

Shadrach visited our lab for three months (Oct-Dec 2023) from Nanyang Tech, Singapore. He worked on the synthesis of SiO2 nanostructures using polymer templates. 

Justin Loo (Visiting student from NYP, 2023)

Justin visited our lab for three months (Oct-Dec 2023) from Nanyang Tech, Singapore. He worked on the chemical modification of polysaccharides. 

Jia-Hui Lin (Visiting student from NYP, 2023)

Jia-hui visited our lab for three months (Jun-Aug 2023) from Nanyang Tech, Singapore. She worked on the chemical modification of sodium alginate. 

Imogen Smith (Hon. 1st Class) 2022

Imogen did her Honours under the supervision of A/Profs Martin Jonhston and Zhongfan Jia. She obtained 1st Class Honors and continues her PhD at Flinders University.

Yanlin Shi (PhD, UQ) 2022

Yanlin did his PhD at The University of Queensland from 2018 to 2022 initially under the supervision of A/Prof Zhongfan Jia, then Prof Michael Monteiro. Yanlin then did his postdoc at the University of Queensland. In September 2023, he started his postdoc at Flinders University.

Chanaka J. Mudugamuwa (MSc) 2022

Chanaka did his Master research in 2022 and obtained an HD for his thesis. His research on nitroxide radical surfactant for the electrocatalytic oxidation of fatty alcohol was published in Green Chemistry in 2023 and selected as the Hot Article by the journal. Chanaka continues his PhD study at Flinders University.

Dr Sanaz Naghibi 2020-2021

Sanaz worked as a Research Fellow from 2020 to 2021 under the supervision of A/Prof Zhongfan Jia and Prof Youhong Tang. Her project was about the syntheSIs of AIE-polymers for drug delivery.

Ryan Shapter (Hon.) 2021

Ryan did his Honours in 2021 under the joint supervision of Prof Justin Chalker and A/Prof Zhongfan Jia. His project was unusual trisulfide chemistry.

Yasser S M Alotaibi (MSc) 2020

Yasser did his Master research in 2020, he is the first student in the group at Flinders University. His project was the synthesis and electrochemical studies of charged nitroxide radical polymers.

Thidas N. Abeysinghe (MSc) 2022

Nim did his Master research from 2021-2022. His project was about the ionic effect on the electrochemical properties of radical polyelectrolytes.

Yanlin Shi (PhD, UQ) 2022

Yanlin did his PhD at The University of Queensland from 2018 to 2022 initially under the supervision of A/Prof Zhongfan Jia, then Prof Michael Monteiro. Yanlin then did his postdoc at the University of Queensland. In September 2023, he started his postdoc at Flinders University.

Yuan Xie (PhD, UQ) 2021

Yuan did his PhD at The University of Queensland from 2017 to 2021 under the supervision of A/Prof Zhongfan Jia, Prof Yusuke Yamauchi and Prof Michael Monteiro. Yuan then did his postdoc at the HongKong Chinese University in Shenzhen.

Kai Zhang (PhD, UQ) 2018

Kai did his PhD at The University of Queensland from 2015 to 2018 under the supervision of A/Prof Zhongfan Jia and Prof Michael Monteiro. Kai then did a Postdoc at the John Hopkins University. He is now a Lecturer at Zhejiang University of Science and Technology (ZUST)

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